“Everything in life is vibration.”

- Albert Einstein

Welcome to Sound & Rest, where we use the potential of vibration to help your body rejuvenate and your mind find balance, promoting overall restoration.

Both Reiki and sound meditations leverage the fundamental principle that everything, including our bodies, is composed of energy vibrating at various frequencies.

These modalities operate on the understanding that utilizing and modulating these vibrational frequencies can impact our physical, emotional, and mental well-being by encouraging states of deep relaxation for the body and mind.

All experiences with Sound & Rest are designed to be safe spaces to come and be as you are.


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also invigorates the body’s natural healing properties. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The term “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Reiki has no ties to any specific religious practice, though it is considered a energy-based therapy.


Sound operates at a fundamental level within us. In fact, research shows us that sounds consist of vibrations that have impact on cellular functions and affect the brain, nerves, muscles, and organs.

For example, the screeching sound of nails on a chalkboard triggers discomfort, causing the hairs on our neck to stand; meanwhile, a sudden loud crash startles us, provoking a fear-induced jump. Conversely, the gentle sound of waves brings comfort, while a harmonious chime elevates our mood. These responses engage neural, physiological, and biochemical reactions, synchronizing our minds and bodies with the sound vibrations.

Scientific research has demonstrated that sound meditations assist in alleviating tension, anger, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, promoting an overall sense of well-being. These practices influence our brainwave patterns, neuro-chemical composition, autonomic nervous system, heart-rate variability, and subtle energy within the body, encouraging a state of restfulness and introspection for both the body and mind.





  • "There's an expansiveness in the way May holds space during Reiki sessions that allows me to journey with the healing energy. Sometimes it feels cosmic, other times memories or insights rise to the surface, but every time I fall into a deep state of relaxation. I've received both in-person and remote sessions from May, and after each one I feel grounded in myself and refreshed."

    Corinna Barsan

  • "My Reiki session with May was amazing! She was extremely attentive and asked for areas I wanted to focus on. I felt initial blockage in my third eye and solar plexus, and definitely felt more balanced and refreshed after the session. During the session, I felt my third eye twitch and definitely felt the stagnant energy move from the crown area. It was an incredibly healing experience."

    Jean Ng

  • "May and I held a distance Reiki session, and I was honestly floored by how potent the experience was. She helped me prepare my space and mind, and I felt reassured going in and totally comfortable opening up to her prior to beginning our session. Once we began, I knew immediately that I was in safe—and powerful!—hands with May. The effects resonated for days, and the congestion I was struggling with alleviated soon after our session. Incredible experience."

    Sharon Green

  • "May's dance with the polarities of softness, and strength & groundedness, and lightness melt time and space into singular ease. I was in need of this kind of holding, of comfort, intelligent & harmonious sound, and un-rushed presence when May offered me a singing bowl therapy 1-1 session. I immediately felt safe, held, and soothes by her beautiful space, calm energy, and ethereal Tibetan bowls. I felt absolutely refreshed and recharged after the session, and look forward to receiving more of this type of restorative healing."

    Shri Alchemy

  • "I felt the healing intention in the sound space May held. It is like an ambient music concert for your cells. I went so deep I didn't think I could go from the level of busy-ness I had been feeling to the depth of expansion. A lot of ideas came through, wisdom, but mostly a feeling of presence and arriving. Thank you May for holding that powerful but effortless space for letting go and deep inner space."

    Luke Simon

  • "This was the best sound meditation of my life. May did a lovely job of making me feel comfortable and checking in with me before we got into it. And what an experience it was! I’ve never been invited to sing during a session, but I felt like I was purging all of my tension and anxiety in a language I didn’t even know I spoke. She’s gifted with a wide variety of instruments that each heightened the experience in different ways. I cannot recommend enough. I want to do this every week. It’s like my reset button. May’s sessions make me feel like a new person. She’s the real deal!"

    Sarah Homet

  • "I have known May for more than 10 years and watched her immersion into the practice of Sound Meditation and Sound Healing. She is a natural moving into mastery! I've attended several her group offerings. Each one has been slightly different, and a wonderful experience. I found myself connecting inward, and at the same time connecting to the collective energy of the sound and to the group. highly recommend experiencing this for yourself!"

    Paul Widerman

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