Hi, I’m May!

I’m a dedicated practitioner in the realms of Reiki and sound meditation. My journey into these modalities began as a personal quest for inner peace and spiritual growth, eventually evolving into a calling to assist others on their paths. My passion lies in creating safe spaces where individuals can embark on journeys of self-discovery and achieve balance in their body, mind, and spirit through the profound influence of sound vibrations and the universal life force energy of Reiki.

I am an Usui Reiki III & Earth Evolution Reiki Certified practitioner, having been attuned by the "Reiki Godmothers" Aki Hirata-Baker and Manu Del Prete, the visionary founders of the radical MINKA Mystery School in New York.

In sound, I received training from esteemed sound practitioner David Shemesh, co-founder of the WOOM Center in New York. My attendance at "Sound School" provided extensive training focusing on the therapeutic and psychedelic properties of sound vibrations, as well as sound and musical theory, practitioner values, psychology, philosophy, and hands-on experience with overtone-emitting instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, flutes, drums, and more.

It brings me immense pleasure and joy to share the wisdom and practices I've learned from these revered teachers. Currently, I am based in Kingston, situated in the Hudson Valley region of New York. Kingston is located on the indigenous lands of the Esopus, a Munsee-speaking group of Lenape peoples. Esopus derives from the Munsee word shiipoosh meaning “little river”.