Reiki & Sound Meditation Sessions with May

Available for in-person & remote individual or group sessions. Please allow 24 hours advanced notice for booking confirmation.

Explore our multi-session packages and gift certificates on the scheduling page accessible through the "Book An Appointment" button.

Sound & Rest proudly extends discounted pricing to BIPOC individuals. For inquiries, kindly visit our CONNECT page.


In-person and remote sessions available. The in-person sessions are conducted at May’s office-residence situated in Kingston, NY. Prospective recipients should be at ease within an environment where felines are present.

Reiki represents a Japanese energetic method focused on diminishing stress and inducing relaxation while fostering the body's natural healing processes. This practice involves the transfer of energy by the “laying on of hands”, rooted in the belief that an imperceptible vitality flows within us, sustaining our existence.

Reiki stands as an uncomplicated, innate, and secure approach to restoration and personal enhancement accessible to everyone. Reiki is a complementary approach meant to support conventional medicine, not replace it.

  • Distance Reiki, also known as remote Reiki, is a practice that extends the Reiki energies across space and time. Distance Reiki allows the recipient to receive Reiki energy from the comfort of their own environments, and is as effective as in-person Reiki sessions.

    The session is broken down into the following segments:

    ● 5 Mins: Short call to discuss needs or any information that recipient wishes to share with May ahead of the session

    ● 40 Mins: Distance Reiki

    *There will be no follow up call as recipients typically prefer to dose off or remain in a meditative state after the session.

    Unlike the conventional hands-on approach, distance Reiki transcends physical proximity, allowing practitioners to facilitate Reiki energies to individuals irrespective of their location. This method operates on the premise that energy knows no boundaries, and through focused intention and visualization, Reiki practitioners can connect with recipients energetically, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and the body's innate healing capabilities.

  • In-person Reiki is conducted at May’s office-residence in Kingston, NY.

    During the Reiki session, the recipient lies down fully clothed on a massage table, & May will gently place her hands on (with the recipient’s consent) or just above the recipient, in at least 12 total positions on the head and the seven main energy centers (chakras).

    The session is broken down into the following segments:

    ● 7 Mins: Settling in & short discussion of any information that recipient wishes to share with May ahead of the session

    ● 45 Mins: Reiki Session

    ● 8 Mins: Integration & sharing of any information that recipient wishes to share with May about the session


Only in-person sessions are available. The in-person sessions are conducted at May’s office-residence situated in Kingston, NY. Prospective recipients should be at ease within an environment where felines are present.

Sound meditations utilizes the principles of resonance, vibration, and integration of the body and mind.

Two forms of sound meditations are offered:

● Singing Bowl Therapy: An octave (8) of antique Tibetan hand-hammered singing bowls are placed all around and on top of the recipient to create a harmonic cocoon. An extremely relaxing experience for the recipient.

● Follow The Sound: Signature sound meditation comprising of breathwork, visualization & sensorial meditation, vocal tuning, and a sonic experience with overtone emitting instruments such as antique Tibetan singing bowls, shruti box, kalimbas, chimes, etc. Recommended for recipients who are looking to go on a musical and cathartic journey.

  • Singing bowls create calming sounds through varying vibrations that resonate with the body, promoting relaxation. These tones align with the body's frequencies, reducing stress and anxiety while aiding meditation. The harmonic resonance facilitates focus and a tranquil state of mind.

    During the singing bowl therapy session, the recipient lies down fully clothed on a massage table, with an octave (8) of antique Tibetan singing bowls placed all around and on their body.

    The session is broken down into the following segments:

    ● 7 Mins: Settling in & short discussion of any information that recipient wishes to share with May ahead of the session

    ● 30 Mins: Singing Bowl Session

    ● 8 Mins: Integration & sharing of any information that recipient wishes to share with May about the session

  • Singing bowls create calming sounds through varying vibrations that resonate with the body, promoting relaxation. These tones align with the body's frequencies, reducing stress and anxiety while aiding meditation. The harmonic resonance facilitates focus and a tranquil state of mind.

    During the singing bowl therapy session, the recipient lies down fully clothed on a massage table, with an octave (8) of antique Tibetan singing bowls placed all around and on their body.

    The session is broken down into the following segments:

    ● 7 Mins: Settling in & short discussion of any information that recipient wishes to share with May ahead of the session

    ● 45 Mins: Singing Bowl Session

    ● 8 Mins: Integration & sharing of any information that recipient wishes to share with May about the session

  • "Follow the Sound" offers a 60-min immersive guided auditory journey. During the sound meditation, the recipient lies down fully clothed on a massage table.

    The session is broken down into the following segments:

    ● 7 Mins: Settling in & short discussion of any information that recipient wishes to share with May ahead of the session

    ● 45 Mins: Sound Meditation

    ● 8 Mins: Integration & sharing of any information that recipient wishes to share with May about the session

    The invitation during this sound meditation is to engage in active listening. Through this practice, one can learn to focus the mind by tuning into the distance between sounds, the intervals between musical notes, and silence. These create an explorative space for one’s inner world.

    These modalities affect our brainwave cycles, neurochemistry, autonomic nervous system, heart-rate variability, and subtle energy in the body - all designed to invite the body and mind into a state of rest and contemplation.

  • "Follow the Sound" offers a 90-min immersive guided auditory journey. During the sound meditation, the recipient lies down fully clothed on a massage table.

    The session is broken down into the following segments:

    ● 7 Mins: Settling in & short discussion of any information that recipient wishes to share with May ahead of the session

    ● 75 Mins: Sound Meditation

    ● 8 Mins: Integration & sharing of any information that recipient wishes to share with May about the session

    The invitation during this sound meditation is to engage in active listening. Through this practice, one can learn to focus the mind by tuning into the distance between sounds, the intervals between musical notes, and silence. These create an explorative space for one’s inner world.

    These modalities affect our brainwave cycles, neurochemistry, autonomic nervous system, heart-rate variability, and subtle energy in the body - all designed to invite the body and mind into a state of rest and contemplation.

  • May offers group sessions for 2 and more people. Pricing depends on group size as well as the group’s location. Kindly reach out on the CONNECT page to provide details.